They say fashions and trends come and go. 1903 and 2023 have something in common. Let’s look at the latter first, September 2023. This month Wales will see the national speed limit reduced to 20 mph. Are there any other countries around the world who have the same speed limit of 20 mph? Basically no. The joys of motoring in the years to come! With that in mind, and before we get to 1903, we must look at the earlier years, and the different changes that were made towards motoring. So, let’s go back to 1835, with the passing of The Highways Act. This Act allowed the Parish Surveyor to control highways, and to pay for their maintenance from funds which were raised from rates paid by the local residents. The Act stipulated that penalties be paid by anyone who might cause a nuisance by riding on the footpath. There were fines put in place if anyone was hurt in an accident ranging from twenty shillings rising to 40 shillings. It was also decided that the direction of tr...