Howell Stanley Hill

Marriage Certificate -
Henry Charles Hill and Beatrice Annie Tabram
St. Peter church, Cockett

 This blog starts Christmas Day, 1911, with the marriage of Henry Charles Hill and Beatrice Annie Tabram at St. Peter’s church, Cockett.

The witnesses of the marriages were Stanley Hill, brother of Henry and Rose Lloyd, presumably a friend of Beatrice.  The marriage certificate was signed by all four people.  This is the first time we see Stanley’s signature.  The marriage service was conducted by Vicar Stewart.

1911 Census

At the time of the 1911 Census, a few months earlier, the boys were living at their family home, 68 Cwmdu, Cwmburla.  The house consisted of 5 rooms, and there were 10 people residing at the address.  Parents were Somerset born Charles Hill and Monmouthshire born Cecilia nee John, both of whom were 51 years old.  Charles’s occupation was listed as Rollerman employed at the Tinworks.

The children, whom all were born in Swansea were Thomas Saunders, 28, Doubler; Cecilia, 26; Henry Charles, 24, Behinder; Howell Stanley, 20, Behinder; Rachel Ann, 18, Dressmaker; William John, 15, Bundler; Gladys Muriel, 13 School and Lilian Pretoria, 11, School.  All the boys like the father were employed at the Tinworks.

So, we can see that Howell, used his middle name at the time of his brother’s marriage.

Howell Stanley's signature 
Attestation Papers

The next time we see Howell’s signature is at the time of his enlistment 11th December 1915.  Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be any article regarding Howell published in The Cambria Daily Leader, but using the Attestation, which gives us a description of Howell, whom at the time of signing up was 25 years old.  He was still living at his family home, and his occupation is listed as being employed by the Tinworks. Howell was 5 ft 7 ½ inches tall.

Following his Attestation on the 11th, Howell was posted to the Army Reserves on the 12th December. 5th June 1916, Howell was Mobilized and then Posted with No.4 Depot, on the 6th.

15th July 1916 was Posed as a Gunner with Royal Garrison Artillery, serving with the 188th Siege Battery, having been formed February 1916, and saw action in France from 30th October 1916.

Howell Stanley Hill grave
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery

July 1917, Howell, Died from Wounds received, and he is buried at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.  Buried alongside him, is A. Walker, Gunner also from Royal Garrison Artillery, but served with the 56th Siege Battery.

Howell family grave
Babell Cemetery
Howell is commemorated on his parent’s grave at Babell Cemetery, Carmarthen Road.  However, inscription reads that Howell is buried in France.  His mother, Cecilia died 1918 and Charles, father, died 1946.

Also, his name is commemorated on St. Luke church Roll of Honour and War Memorial.

St. Luke's church
Roll of Honour & War Memorial
This memorial also records two women, Eleanor Thomas and Lizzie Johns.


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