John Willott

 Every month the Commonwealth War Grave Commission, place an appeal on their website for relatives sought.  On their inspections of cemeteries, the graves that don’t have a military headstone, may just have an inscription on a headstone and it is that inscription that may be fading away.  This month the CWGC, is looking for relatives for a John Willott, who is buried at Aldershot Civil Cemetery.

So, what information is known about John?

Let’s look at the 1891 Census, 26 Peel Street, Macclesfield.  John currently is 6 years old; he is listed as a scholar.  His parents are James Willott, 30, Assistant Teacher and 27-year-old Laura nee Taylor. James and Laura were married during 1884.  This is James’ second wife.

1891 British Census
Etruria - Passenger Lists 

The next record regarding his parents is for Laura, whom during the following year, 1892, acted as a matron for a child, to entre the USA, and arrived at Ellis Island, that December after departing from Liverpool and travelling on the Etruria.

Sadly, for Laura, this is the last record as she died during 1896.

By the time of the 1901 Census, James, who is now, 40, is residing at 7 Cambridge Road, Blackpool.  His occupation is listed as Club Stewart.  Also present at the address is his second wife, Amilia nee. Green.  Their marriage took place during 1897.

1901 Census

So, where is John?  We’ll come back to him shortly.

Parisan - Passenger Lists
1906, both James and Amelia, emigrate to Canada, and travelled from Liverpool on Parisan.  The Passenger List, list that James’s occupation is that of a teacher.  They arrive at Montreal for Victoria.

Yet again, James would be a widow for a second time, as Amelia dies 1909.

By the time of the 1911 Canadian Census, James, 50, widower, is a lodger, living at 454 Gorge Road, British Columbia.  His occupation is listed as Retired Agent.

1911 Canada Census
James Willott
Golden Community Cemetery,
British Columbia

However, James, did marry for final time during 1913, Nellie McCaghey.  They were to have just the one child, Audrey, born 1914.  James died 1921, aged 58/59, he is buried Golden Community Cemetery, British Columbia.

So, lets return to John.

At the time of the 1901 census, John now 17, is a Visitor at 198 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool.  His occupation is listed as a Ship Steward.

1901 British Census

A decade later, 1911, John now 26, is married to Annie Massey.  Their marriage having taken place a year earlier, 1910.  John’s occupation is listed as Musician.  They have a son, Louis, who was born that year 1911.  They are residing at 68 High Street, Macclesfield.

1911 British Census

So, we all know happens 3 years later, the outbreak of the First World War, August 1914.

Attestation Papers 
John is quick to enlist, joining up September 1914, ands enlisting with the Manchester Regiment, 1st Battalion.  His Attestation Papers have survived.  These papers indicate that John had served previously with the Manchester Regiment.  During the duration of the First World War, John, would only serve here in the UK.

1920, the Army have declared that John is Permanently Unfit, whilst he is at Cambridge Hospital.  It is here, sadly, that John died, 2nd May 1920.  

John was buried at Civic Cemetery.


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